Hello all!
In addition to our own projects
this semester, we are still collaborating with Dr. Corey Stocco on the Interview
Skills project. Sessions began last week to insure that the skills developed in
training were maintained at appropriate levels over time. This is an important
feature of behavior change therapies known as generalization; the skills
developed in training should extend across time, setting, people, and similar behaviors.
If there are skill maintenance
issues, then the project continues as extra training sessions. If the
participants can display acceptable levels of skill maintenance, the project
moves into the next phase. In the next phase, participants will be interviewed
by someone other than Dr. Corey Stocco, in a completely unrelated setting to
his office (where sessions have been conducted up until this point). This phase
is also being used to assess generalization.
It is exciting to see participants
taken through the entire process (baseline-generalization) and this project exemplifies
the characteristics of quality behavior change procedures just as we are
learning in class this semester.